
O Lord, flow unto us in your Infinite Wisdom. Open to us your hidden Treasures of Knowledge. Come to us in the Latter Rain and let the Nether Springs become Rivers flowing through a dry and barren land!!





TIDBIT (Stories)


A Country where no twilight shadows deepen, Unending day where night shall never be. A City where no storm clouds ever gather,

Now this is just what Heaven means to me.

What will it be when we get over yonder and join the throng upon the glassy sea? To meet our Loved Ones and crown Christ forever,

Oh this is just what Heaven means to me.

And when at last we see the Face of Jesus, before whose image other loves all flee, and when they crown Him Lord of All, I’ll be there,

for this is just what Heaven means to me.

 I’m kind of homesick for a country, To which I’ve never been before, No sad goodbyes will there be spoken, For time won’t matter anymore.

Beulah Land I’m longing for you, And some day on thee I’ll stand, There my home (There my home) shall be eternal, Beulah Land, sweet Beulah Land.

I’m looking now across the river, To where my faith shall end in sight, There’s just a few more days to labor, Then I will take my heavenly flight.

Beulah Land I’m longing for you, And some day on thee I’ll stand, there my home (There my home) shall be eternal,

Beulah Land, Sweet Beulah Land!




Like the song says – I’ve heard of a Land that is wondrously fair, they say that its Splendor is far beyond compare! In that place that’s called Heaven, my Soul longs to be, for where Jesus is, it will be Heaven for me. All its Beauty and wonder I’m longing to see, but Jesus will be what makes it Heaven for me.

          Can you say – Heaven at any price, Lord I’ve got to make it? O to think of Heaven, a place of matchless beauty! A city of mansions bright where Jesus is the light. How beautiful Heaven must be, sweet Home of the Happy and free. Fair Haven of rest for the weary – How beauty Heaven must be! The rougher the voyage, the more the mariners long for port. It is surely becoming more and more a desired haven! Children, we’ve got to make it. Everlasting Joy lies just  over the Sea. March on weary traveler – you are nearer Home than you were yesterday and when you started!

          I just wonder how Jacob of old felt when on his journey as the sun was setting, he laid his weary head on a pile of stones he made for a pillow? As the darkness settled in, lonely Jacob fell asleep. O but he was not alone! In the darkened night, he had some visitors who came to him in a dream. He saw a ladder set up on the earth and the top of it reached to Heaven: And behold, the Angels of God ascending and descending on it. And behold, the Lord stood above it. God Spoke to his servant and reminded him of all the promises He had given him and encouraged him to believe and go on.

          The Lord is speaking to us too in this late Hour by His Holy Spirit, nudging our Hearts to continue and keep going on! Your prayers and work are not in vain dear Soul. Your Love and Giving are the wings that will bear thee to that Good Land!! Heaven will surely be worth the journey when we get there. Precious Loved ones and dear friends who have went on before are waiting for us to join them. I pass by my dear Precious Mother and Dad’s pictures on my table and wall and O how I long to see them and hold them in my arms, to embrace them again!! My Dad right before he passed away with a major stroke, pulled me to him and kissed me on the cheek and said to me – “Son, I love you more than I can ever tell you. I’m ready to go and see your Mom and be with Jesus and I want you to be with me!” My Mother passed away in her home 2 years before Dad did. The last two full days of her life she heard beautiful music playing. There was no music playing anywhere in the house. I even went outside and there were no neighbors playing music. I came back into her room and told her and she said – “Honey, I’ve heard it playing all day!” This has put a determination in my Heart to press on harder than ever. I don’t want to Miss Heaven for the world. I told my Wife lately – “The Lord is surely coming soon, I can feel it so near! This world holds no charms to me and the strings of natural attachment that now holds me are slowly dissolving away as I listen any moment for the Trumpet voice to call – “Come up Hither, come away my Bride, my Fair One!” It’s go Home time Children, be Faithful and Trust in God’s good Grace and He will keep you in His Presence and Love! God Bless You!!






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